Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 1

Time and time again I sit down and make a list. Often times a list of healthy foods to buy or a list of good exercises to try out, but I never follow through with these lists!! This seems like a problem we are having nation wide and I've decided that there are NO MORE EXUSES!

There is no reason I can't be healthy and no reason I can't be happy doing it. One of my biggest problems is I will decide to just try and eat healthy for a while or just do some exercise for a while, and nothing happens! I think this is going to take a combination of......completely changing everything! And I'd like to do it with you!

It is May 16 2012, no its not a monday, or the beginning or a month or even the morning, but who cares?!?! Who cares when you actually start your journey, its the fact that you're actually starting it!
Together we will work through the ups and downs of changing a life for health and happiness and all the other goals we can think of.

I will be posting here regularly; hopefully every other day or so to keep everyone updated on how things are going and the things I learn on the way that may help someone else. It is hard putting yourself first in a life with so much going on. I personally have a full time boyfriend, a full time job (hopefully cutting down the hours soon!) and am a full time nursing student. This is a lot of stuff! But what is our new motto??; NO MORE EXCUSES! And we're sticking to it ;)

First thing is first, today I made a little exercise plan for the following weeks, and as my body gets stronger I'll start to make the exercises a little harder. I have decided not to devote myself to counting calories, becuase it seems that everytime I do this all I can think about throughout the day is "Oh my gosh, I only have 200 calories left, no food on the planet has 200 calories that will fill me up, omg 200 calories....I'm Gonnaa Starve!!!!" <---This is pretty much how my days go when counting calories so I'm no gonna do it! Instead making small changes to my diet each week and ultimately trying to eat a more balanced array of foods is the goal for me here.

Mon, Wed, Fri: running/walking 1 mile
Tues, Thurs: yoga 30 min

I find that these are 2 things I actually enjoy doing and so I may be more prone to stick with them! Find things you like to do and if one day you only feel like walking that mile, then do it!! It's still a mile and it still gets you off the couch!

Together  we can do this, together we can all change our lives; NO MORE EXCUSES!

A little motivation: